

Each of these items in some way contributed to the research that went into the writing of Tholonia. This is only a very small selection, as there are currently 492 reference notes in the book. It may not be clear why some of this material is relevant, and to be honest, I can’t remember myself… for example, the book on eye exercises… no idea what was in there that was useful, but there was something.


Ancient teachings of the Sun god to a demon

The (allegedly) 2 million year old manual of astronomical facts that the Sun god Surya gave to the demon Maya. This includes the roots of trigonometry, mathematical inventions, such as standard notation and the decimal system. The description gravity, sidereal revolutions and how planets move eastward, size and size and position of distant planets, the duration of a tropical year and the amount of time that has passed since the creation of the Universe, and the relativism of time in how passes at different speeds and under different circumstances. More importantly, from the Tholonic perspective, it describes a classic example of the sharing of Intelligence between two archetypal instances of Awareness.


Time Wave Zero

This is Terence McKenna’s most important idea, according to him. “Time Wave Zero” is a theory that suggests that the fractal convergence that occurs at the end of the current “time wave” occurred on December 21, 2012. McKenna believed that this date marks the culmination of a global information network and the evolution of cybernetic technology, which will allow humanity to transcend its current state and reach a higher level of existence. McKenna draws on various cultural and historical references to support his theory.


Historical Evolution of AI

Andrew Ng and Geoffrey Hinton discuss the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in society. They argue that AI will revolutionize many industries, but also pose threats that are difficult to predict. The leaders in this sphere will become the rulers of the world. Both experts emphasize the importance of AI and its potential to transform various sectors, including education, transportation, healthcare, and more.


Decoding the Neural Representation of Story Meanings across Languages

The article discusses a study on the neural correlates of narrative comprehension using fMRI. The researchers used a sliding window approach to predict each word in a paragraph based on its context, and learned paragraph vectors that represented the higher-level meaning of the text. They found that different brain regions were involved in narrative comprehension, including the temporal lobe, and intersubject correlations were observed in the narrative speech comprehension. The study used permutation inference to validate the results and evaluated the predictions using a similar approach to Mitchell et al. [2008].


Attention Is All You Need

This is the research paper from Google that can be said to have started the modern AI revolution with their ‘transformer’ technology.


Healing with Water

The article discusses the concept of “invisible energy” in water, which is believed to be a source of true art and science. Researchers have used photography to study the crystal structures of water, finding that water in harmony with nature produces beautiful crystals, while polluted or exposed water forms irregular structures. The study has garnered significant public interest and has been instrumental in the work of alternative therapists, religious leaders, spiritual researchers, artists, and musicians.


Effects of Distant Intention on Water

This paper describes an experiment to test the effects of a “prayer for water” on the molecular structure of water. The experiment involved exposing water to a shielded chamber with the words of the prayer overlaid on a photo, and analyzing the water’s molecular structure before and after the prayer. The results showed significant changes in the water’s molecular structure after the prayer, suggesting that the prayer had an impact on the water.


Bhagavad Gita

While the Tholonic Model gives religion and religious beliefs a wide berth, some religious doctrines and writings are, or include, metaphysical or esoteric laws that are draped in religious or spiritual symbolism, from cause and effect to biogenesis.


What Is Life? by Erwin Schrödinger

Based on Schrödinger’s lecture focused on one question: “how can the events in space and time which take place within the spatial boundary of a living organism be accounted for by physics and chemistry?” and hypothesizes an “aperiodic crystal” that contained genetic information which was instrumental in discovering the genetic molecule. Forward by Roger Penrose.


Ringmakers of Saturn by Norman R. Bergrun

From photographs taken during the Voyager 1 flight to SATURN in 1980 the reader of this remarkable book sees that one of the photographs shows that the A-ring is incomplete. The author sets out to explain this phenomenon in an understandable form.


The Red Book (Liber Novus) by Carl Jung

The author’s psychological experiments between 1913 and 1916, and is based on manuscripts (journals). Drafted by Jung in 1913–15 and 1917, pout only published in 2009.

Available at Amazon $28.99 - 167.99 USD

Psychology and the Occult by Carl Jung

The Psychology of the Occult is a 1952 skeptical book on the paranormal by psychologist D. H. Rawcliffe. It was later published as Illusions and Delusions of the Supernatural and the Occult (1959) and Occult and Supernatural Phenomena (1988).

Available at Thriftbooks $9.69 USD

The Metaphysical World of Isaac Newton by John Chambers

Newton’s heretical yet equation-incisive writings on theology, spirituality, alchemy, and prophecy written in secret alongside his Principia Mathematic.

Available at Thriftbooks $27.55 USD

Limitless Mind by Russell Targ

When we learn, we change what we believe and how we interact with the world. This changes who we are as people and what we can achieve. They come to believe their potential is limited.


The Intention Experiment

The Intention Experiment is an extraordinary advance in our understanding of consciousness as a field of all possibilities where intention orchestrates its own fulfillment.

Available at Amazon $13.99 - $21.00 USD

Cosmic Consciousness of Humanity by V.P. Kaznacheev, A.V. Trofimov

The shocking and terrifying discoveries based on the theory of Soviet astronomer and physicist Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev that TIME itself is energy.


The Projection of the Astral Body by Sylvan J. Muldoon

Remarkable account of Sylvan Muldoor’s OOBEs, scientifically edited by one of the world’s foremost psychic researchers, Dr. Carrington. Includes detailed account of Muldoor’s experiences and instructions.

Available at Thriftbooks $24.95 USD

The Matter With Things by Iain McGilchrist

Massive 3-volume 2,600 page book of neuroscience, epistemology and metaphysics looking at our brains, our delusions, and the unmaking of the world. Written in 2021 by psychiatrist, thinker and former literary scholar Iain McGilchrist.

Available at Amazon $39.95 - $157.30 USD

The Fourth Phase of Water by Gerald H. Pollack

“The most significant scientific discovery of this century. What strikes me above all is the elegant simplicity of [Pollack’s] experimental approach. Many of the experiments can be done on the kitchen table, and you don’t even need a microscope to see the results.” Mae-Wan Ho, Author, Living Rainbow H2O; Director, Institute of Science and Society, London.


The Tholonic Coloring book - Patterns in Nature

59 of some of the most satisfying and interesting images derived from the simplest examples of tholonic expansion that are begging to be colored in!


Quantum Electrodynamics by Richard Feynman

QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter is an adaptation for the general reader of four lectures on quantum electrodynamics published in 1985 by American physicist and Nobel laureate Richard Feynman.

Available at Amazon $20.69 - $170.00 USD

The Tholonic IChing by Duncan Stroud

(CURRENTLY IN DRAFT, and only 1st half written) the IChing is deconstructed to its most basic concept of duality. Then using the relationships that naturally form during the binary progression, we redefine each line and hexagram.


Far Journeys by Robert Monroe

Robert Monroe’s 2nd book where he discovers loosh, the energy emitted by human joy, suffering, love, that other entities feed off of.

Available at Thriftbooks $11.89 USD

Chemical Evolution

Proceedings of the Fourth Trieste Conference on chemical Evolution, Trieste, Italum 4-8 September 1995

Available at Amazon $173 - $217 USD

Adventures Beyond the Body by William Buhlman

William Buhlman has trained out-of-body travelers in his workshop for more than a decade, teaching people how to project their consciousness outside the limits of their physical bodies and to explore dimensions and worlds beyond everyday life. Now he vividly recounts how own adventures in the parallel universe described in the new-physics theories of Stephen Hawkins, Paul Davies, and Fred Alan Wolf and presents his step-by-step guide to astral travel including exercises, tips, techniques, and answers to your every question about out-of-body experiences.

Available at Thriftbooks $6.29 USD

3 books on improving eyesight

This is a fascinating, slightly unorganized, collection of medical thoughts on vision and eye health and maintenance from the early 20th century. There is some wisdom in this book that has been lost in modern medicine.


Magic and Empiricism in Early Chinese Rainmaking

An analysis of Chinese rainmaking ceremonies. Interestingly, the statistical results show a very good success rate, however, the human element (i.e., only reporting successful results) was not controlled for.


Brain Structural Complexity and Consciousness

Discusses the relationship between brain structural complexity and consciousness. It suggests that the brain’s structure undergoes changes during the sleep-wake cycle, with an increase in neuronal connections during wakefulness and a decrease after sleep, resulting in opposite changes in structural diversity. The study highlights the importance of sleep in maintaining brain homeostasis and optimizing functionality.


Zero Divided by Zero Equals One

This paper starts out by saying “Accumulating evidence indicates that zero divided by zero is equal to one.” and ends with “The findings of this study suggest that zero divided by zero equals one.”


What is (Schrodinger's) Negentropy?

Negentropy is “negative entropy” and was coined by Erwin Schrödinger in his book “What is Life?” The author uses this concept in an attempt to outline the “‘thermodynamics of organized complexity”.


Universal Intelligence - A Definition of Machine Intelligence

This paper discusses the concept of intelligence and its various definitions. It highlights that being able to deal with difficult problems is a matter of experience, rather than just intelligence. Intelligence is defined as the ability to use limited resources optimally to achieve goals in a range of environments.


True-Value Framework for Sustainability

The True Value Framework (TVF) is a conceptual model designed to improve the efficiency, scope, reliability, and resolution of knowledge towards the goal of improving sustainability in global manufacturing and distribution. This was researched and written by Duncan Stroud (me) for a U.N. initiative on global finance, trade, and sustainability.


The Relation of Ohm’s Law to Newton’s 2nd Law

In the tholonic model, Newtons 2nd law is use across many contexts. Many physicists and engineers will argue that Ohm’s law and Newton’s 2nd law of motion are totally unrelated, and even ChatGPT makes that same claim. However, this paper shows exactly how, with hard math, these two laws relate to one another.


The Application of Complexity Analysis in Brain Blood-Oxygen Signal

Abstract: One of the daunting features of the brain is its physiology complexity, which arises from the interaction of numerous neuronal circuits that operate over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales, enabling the brain to adapt to the constantly changing environment and to perform various cognitive functions.


The Animate and the Inanimate by William James Sidis

The last major work of the man considered by many to smartest man to ever live, William James Sidis. This work sets forth a theory which is speculative in nature, there being no verifying experiments, is based on the idea of the reversibility of everything in time.


Stereographic Visualization of 5-Dimensional Regular Polytopes

This paper establishes visualization methods for 5-dimensional extensions of polygons and polyhedra, preserving their symmetry.


Structured Water - effects on animals

If there was any doubt as to the validity of ‘structured water’, this meta-study should put those doubts to rest.


Shared Death Experiences - A Multicultural Survey

Shared-death-experiences (SDEs) and after-death-communication-experiences (ADCEs) are non-ordinary mental experiences related to the death of a known or unknown person. These experiences were investigated by surveying four samples with different cultural backgrounds: Italian, Mexican, Brazilian and Taiwanese people. 121 participants reported 146 experiences of this type.


Self-Organization, Entropy Generation Rate, and Boundary Defects

Self-organization that leads to the emergence of new patterns is related to entropy. There is no clear principle regarding how a system self-organizes or the different types of prerequisites for sustainability, which differ according to its efficiency, shape and scale.


Science, Dualities and the Phenomenological Map

A phenomenological map is meant to connect reality and our ideas about it. This paper investigates the requirements and reasoning that got into creating such a map and use examples of as Einstein’s Relativity to show how ideas and reality do not sufficiently converge. The use the concepts of “abduction” (a form of logical inference that seeks the simplest and most likely conclusion from a set of observations) and “analogy” (logical reasoning that compares similarities and differences)


Quantum Gravity and the Role of Consciousness in Physics

Consciousness as a force is needed to resolve the contradictions between quantum mechanics and relativity.


Elyon -a Canaanite god - in Genesis

Elyon is the name of god referred to in the Old Testament (and other ancient manuscripts), but Elyon is not the same as Yahweh, as is thought to be a Canaanite god, yet, nevertheless found it’s way into the extremely anti-Canaanite Torah. This is an example of how opposing concepts of god (Yahweh vs Baal, Israel vs Canaanite) overlapped, inevitable forming a new concept of god, which many adhere to today.


Effects of Changes in_Water Intake on Mood

There is a growing body of literature showing that fluid deprivation negatively impacts several mood areas. Studies examining the effects of increased water consumption tend to be rare. This study evaluate the effects of a change in water intake on mood and sensation and concludes that increasing water intake has beneficial effects in those who were low-volume (1.2L/day) consumers and negative effects when decreasing intake for those were were high-volume (2.4L/day) consumers.


Roots and Fruits of Decoherence

The concept of decoherence is defined, and discussed in a historical context. This is illustrated by some of its essential consequences which may be relevant for the interpretation of quantum theory.


Genetic Structure of Human Populations

A study of human population genotypes shows differences among individuals account for 93 to 95% of genetic variation; differences among major groups constitute only 3 to 5%.


Superior pattern processing is the essence of the evolved human brain

Humans have long pondered the nature of their mind/brain and, particularly why its capacities for reasoning, communication and abstract thought are far superior to other species, including closely related anthropods. This article considers superior pattern processing (SPP) as the fundamental basis of most, if not all, unique features of the human brain including intelligence, language, imagination, invention, and the belief in imaginary entities such as ghosts and gods.


Non-Reflective Thinkers Are Predisposed to Attribute Supernatural Causation to Uncanny Experiences

For unknown reasons, individuals who are confident in their intuitions are more likely to hold supernatural beliefs. How does an intuitive cognitive style lead one to believe in faith healing, astrology, or extrasensory perception (ESP)? We hypothesize that cognitive style is critically important after one experiences an uncanny event that seems to invite a supernatural explanation.


New Frontiers in Integrated Solid Earth Sciences

Examines the dynamics of sedimentary basins and their relationship with tectonic processes. It presents various examples of how different basins have responded to changes in tectonic forces over time, including the formation of microdiamonds in the Earth’s crust. The article highlights the importance of understanding these dynamics to better predict future geological events and their impact on the environment.


The Neural Correlates of Consciousness and Attention

A review of some of the most significant theoretical issues concerning the concepts of consciousness and attention in the neuroscientific literature and a look as how attention, supported by fronto-parietal networks, enters the process of consciousness to provide awareness of specific features of reality.


Molecular dynamics study of tridymite

Tridymite is a high-temperature polymorph of silica (SiO2). It is of interest here as it crystalline form is that of the thologram. This is quite similar to quartz (SiO4) chemically, and to water, structurally. In fact, quartz and (very cold) ice has a nearly identical structure.


Modeling the Extended Living Intelligence Field

“A Pseudo scientific, drug induced, poppycocked model of reality” (in the author’s words), but nevertheless quite interesting… and maybe even accurate!


History of the Earth and Life (Geochemistry and the Origin of Life)

An analysis of the geothermal and thermo-chemical structure of the earth and its impact on the formation of life on the planet.


Mars Exploration, May 22, 1984 (CIA FOIA)

This is an internal CIA document that reviews the Project Stargate’s attempt to travel to Mars 1 billion years in the past on May 22, 1984 using remote viewing. The original transcript of this session can be downloaded directly from the CIA’s website here.


Language and Consciousness; How Language Implies Self-awareness

“The relationship between language and consciousness has been debated since ancient times, but the details have never been fully articulated. Certainly, there are animals that possess the same essential auditory and vocal systems as humans, but acquiring language is seemingly uniquely human”


Language, Beliefs and Concepts

This is a study of some of the ways we express beliefs, attitudes and concepts linguistically and what hidden assumptions are transmitted into those expressions that effect influence beliefs and our framework of perception and understanding.


Between Remote Viewing and the OBE - The Unexpected Side of the CIA (Part 2)

An investigation into the CIA remote viewing research. “From Part 1 of this work we see that, to put it briefly, there were two specific fields of research under the wing of the US Intelligence services occurring in two locations: Remote Viewing and the OBE, the former started with the help of the SRI in Palo Alto, and the latter at Fort Meade in Maryland, also aided by the Monroe Institute”


Introduction to Complex Systems, Sustainability and Innovation

“The technological innovations have always proved the impossible possible. Humans have all the time obliterated barriers and set records with astounding regularity. However, there are issues springing up in terms of complexity and sustainability in this context, which we were ignoring for long”


Intelligence as Smart Heuristics

“Human intelligence, in our view, is modeled by an adaptive toolbox that contains building blocks for heuristics to direct search for information, to stop search, and to make a decision. Smart search rules describe how people find the few relevant pieces of information, in memory or in the outside world”


The 7 Keys to the Friendly Takeover of the Planet by its Inhabitants

“The seven Trojan Horses, which gained access to our human culture and directed our development, cannot be exposed and dissembled one by one. They are interwoven, in other words, they stabilize each other. In essence, they are what we perceived as the solutions, and thus as being constructive. To this intent, within the course of the following chapters, I wish to present to you the complete list in chronological order in a manner that enables you to understand the overall concept, unmask this darkness camouflaged in light in one piece, and exit by letting go of it.”


The effects of grounding (earthing) on diseases

The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases


The Hippies Were Right - It's All about Vibrations, Man!

“Why are some things conscious and others apparently not? Is a rat conscious? A bat? A cockroach? A bacterium? An electron? These questions are all aspects of the ancient “mind-body problem,” which has resisted a generally satisfying conclusion for thousands of years.” This is fundamental to the Tholonic Model, which answers all these questions. p.s. There was some irate responses to this article in SciAm from the mainstream scientists.


Baalism and Yahwism

Baal was the god of the the Canaanites and their orgiastic nature-worship, their cult of fertility in the form of serpent symbols and sensuous nudity, and their gross mythology. Yahweh was the god of Israel, with its pastoral simplicity and purity of life, its lofty monotheism, and its severe code of ethics. These diametrically oppose ideologies lived together in the Levant, and consequently, they began to merge. This is a good example of the competition/cooperation between ideological ‘entities’.


Baalism and Yahwism Updated UPDATED

“Worship, in the biblical sources and in liturgical history, is not something a person experiences, it is something he does, regardless of how he feels about it, or whether he feels anything about it at all… Baalism provided a rich array of ‘worship experiences.’ Israel and the Christian church insisted that worship was the proclamation of the will of God and the call for human response to it.”


Quantum Decoherence - Poincare Seminar 2005

Papers on quantum decoherence from the 2005 Poincaré Seminar


Do Extragalactic Cosmic Rays Induce Cycles in Fossil Diversity? (11 pages)

Recent work has revealed a 62 million-year cycle in fossil diversity in the past 542 million years, but for reasons unknown. This paper suggests that the cycle may be caused by cosmic-ray and the solar system’s 64 million-year galactic vertical oscillation. This shows a fascinating relationship between galactic events and our current understanding of the based on fossils.


Becoming Human Cheat Sheets

“The Most Complete List of Best AI Cheat Sheets” by BecomingHuman.AI, a project of the prophetic digital edge-lord Cliff High. References to Python libraries and techniques for machine learning, including KMeans clustering, Neural Networks, Grid SearchCV for parameter optimization, and Randomized Parameter Optimization. It also provides examples of how to use these libraries and techniques in practice.


Seismic Site and Structure Response

I can’t remember how this document was used or why it was even saved, but it was probably related to the stability of geometrical structures in a real world setting, such as the earth, earthquakes, and foundations.

Keywords: finite elements; microplane model; contact mechanics; time history analysis; soil structure interaction; site-effects; seismic performance assessment.


E8 Root Vectors from 8D to 3D

This paper is an elementary-level attempt at discussing 8D E8 Physics based on the 240 Root Vectors of an E8 lattice and how it compares with physics models based on 4D and 3D structures. Also included are some amazing laser sculptures in 3D glass cubes, including a sculpture of the 240 E8 Root Vectors and different 2D face projections of 3D cube projection from full 8D Root Vectors, which are all different perspectives of the same multidimensional hyper-crystal. This hyper-crystal is fundamental to the popular “Theory of Everything”.


Effect of Conscious Intention on Human DNA

“Mind-body medicine has well recognized the ability of mental images, generated by the mind and directed to specific parts of the body, to produce profound physiological changes, e.g. impede tumor growth. Psychoneuroimmunologists, however, do not recognize that the mind can also intentionally focus on and manifest changes in biological systems outside the body. The effects of focused intention have nonetheless been studied using both physical and biological systems”


Hydrogen Bonding in Water

The article discusses the variations in hydrogen bond length in water depending on temperature and pressure. Hydrogen bonds in D2O are found to be more asymmetric and stronger than in H2O, but recent studies have shown that the hydrogen bonds in both substances are approximately the same length due to compensatory quantum effects. Increasing pressure can force shorter hydrogen bonds, causing the O-H covalent bonds to be elongated. The strength of hydrogen bonds can also be affected by electromagnetic and magnetic effects. While dissociation is a rare event, it may occur during the breakage or formation of a hydrogen bond, or arise transiently due to thermal effects or other molecular interactions.

This is relevant as the tetrahedral water molecule is a excellent instance of the tetrahedral tholonic model. Also, it may shed some light on the effects of kinetic energy on water, i.e., ‘structured water’.


CIA Gateway report (incl. page 25)

CIA research (made available via FOIA) into ESP, psychic energy, remote viewing, and some really far-out, but thoroughly coherent concepts of reality! This is also a presented in a video.


Probability Models for Complex Systems

“The center issue for many areas of machine learning and machine perception, including computer vision, speech recognition, language analysis, and medical expert systems, is how to extract useful information efficiently from signals produced by the world.” This is the Master thesis of Zhiyi Chi, Brown University, Rhode Island


Fractal Dimension in Architecture - An Exploration of Spatial Dimension

“Mandelbrot (1975) coined the term, Fractal to define natural forms and the hidden but simple code behind their seemingly complex appearance. Fractal dimension, the rudiment of fractals, usually described as space filling property, provides a foundation for analyzing roughness of surfaces. However, roughness exists in all dimensions. Architecture, innately related to geometry/forms, shows roughness at many scales from urban fabric to a building’s facades and plans.” This is the Master Thesis of Kris Gurung of Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Anhalt, Germany


El Yahweh and Elohim The Evolution of God in Israel and its Theological Implications

Historical concepts of reality often took the form of deities, and the introduction of monotheism, the idea of One God, was a major paradigm shift that continues to dominate the modern world and our current view of reality. While we tend to blur the distinctions between the concepts of El, Yahweh, and Elohim, they are three distinctly different ideas. Understanding these difference sheds light on the foundations of modern beliefs.


Brownian Motion

Brownian motion applies across any context or pattern that can be analysed statistically but may not be predicted precisely, which includes pretty much everything. Brownian expansion is fundamental to tholonic expansion. This math shown here (quite dense) should act as a guide for calculating the rules of tholonic expansion.


A Constructivist View of Newton’s Mechanics

The academic authors attempt to view Newtonian mechanics not as a set of equations and axioms, but instead search for the fundamental knowledge, beliefs, and assumptions that can produce such understanding. It depends heavily on strict logic, and has quite a bit of math to back that logic up.


Structured Water and Alternative Irrigation Methods

“Water scarcity presents this century’s biggest challenge for humankind. Most fresh water in the world (roughly two-thirds) is used for growing crops. Agriculture thus is the largest sink for fresh water on this Planet.” This is Fabian Tolk’s Master thesis on the use of structured water for drought stricken areas. This paper has a lot of good references.