

Exploring the various attributes and types of water: Structured water, water memory, low-entropy water, water as an information store, a transmission medium, and as a tholonic medium.


Given that water may be an ideal tholonic material, it’s worth looking into the how that might be tested.

There is evidence that:

  • Magnetically ‘structured water’ (SW) produces a 15% increase in plant growth (possibly with less water as well)
  • Kinetically ‘low entropy’ SW has shown a dramatic and provable increase in its solvent properties, and appears to be able distribute itself much more rapidly, easily observable in plants, but also has the effect of increasing fermentation (decay) process in non-living organic matter.
  • In both animals studies and human experiments, ‘low entropy’ water has shown to dramatically reduce high cholesterol levels to text-book perfect levels.

Future experiments:

  • Run entropy tests (see below) on water that has been in a different energy state (e.g., fast vs. slow whirlpool, maybe with and without heat?) and see if the results differ to determine if higher kinetic energy creates lower entropy in water. If so, that would suggest that there is more order (lower entropy) in the water.
  • Test for entropy changes in water that has been exposed to various SWP (standing wave patterns) of various frequencies.

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